What Dealer Rewards Can Do For You?

Research surveys have shown that in business after business, 60% to 80% of customers who defect to a competitor said they were satisfied or very satisfied just prior to their defection.
(Bain & Company)


  1. Monthly and year-to-date reports will automatically be generated. These reports include a monthly breakdown of Customer enrolments, spending for the month and Customer earnings.
  2. The system provides a since inception total of the statistical financial data.
  3. Programs can be set up to have expiry dates for earnings/rewards.
  4. Customized data queries area easily accessible for Dealer Customers.
  5. The Dealer Rewards System allows the Customer to obtain relevant information that you may wish to directly provide to the Customer.

Manage Members

  1. Dealer Rewards will separate Customers based on their spending habits.
  2. Letters can be produced via the Dealer Rewards Platform and accessed by the location through the Dealer login on the website. The location can print/mail or e-mail letters to Customers based on customized queries against the location database. This allows retail locations to target their marketing campaigns.
  3. Automated lost souls letters can be produced outlining Customer information and date of last visit.

Member Rewards Cards

You may provide to your Customers a rewards card. Rewards Cards provide an opportunity for you to market and strengthen Customer relationships with your Customer that has already purchased products and/or services from one of your dealer locations, and are likely therefore to purchase again.

Increase Your Profit Margins

Historically we have evidence that by having the Customer earn and redeem rewards at retail, gross profit margins are increased.

Professionalism and Excellence

By outsourcing to experts we suggest you will have a professionally and effectively managed program that will grow with the industry.

"Keep Core Activities In-House, and Outsource Everything Else. Build and protect those “core” capabilities that differentiate you, while aggressively outsourcing anything non-core."
Gaining Strength in a Weak Economy - Rich D'Amaro - Tatum, LLC

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